


About us

1. Our main products

The main products include office chairs, dining chairs, school beds, military beds, and various sofas. At the same time, the company produces and operates various specifications of steel pipes.

22016 is the "watershed" for the development of the home building materials industry

Looking back at 2015, the increasingly saturated home furnishing market has entered a bottleneck period for the development of many enterprises, and cross-border customized home furnishing has become a new development trend. Shopping malls are like battlefields. In the fiercely competitive market environment of 2016, more enterprises will enter the customized home furnishing industry, which is bound to become a "watershed" for the development of the home building materials industry.

Customization conforms to the "supply side reform"

At present, there is overcapacity in the home furnishings industry, and the supply and consumption of enterprises have not yet been effectively coordinated. The efficiency of supply cannot be fully utilized, resulting in a decline in profits, overcapacity, and inventory backlog for enterprises. Breaking through this current situation requires enterprises to improve the quality and efficiency of their supply products to cater to the shift in consumer direction. Liu Chen, Vice President and Secretary General of the Beijing Home Furnishing Industry Association, believes that consumer demand has already changed, and purchasing home products focuses on quality. Enterprises should improve the quality and quality of their supplied products based on changes in consumer orientation, and cater to and meet the demand orientation of consumers. The gradual shift from single variety customization to full house customization fully caters to the shift in consumer demand. The reason why customized home furnishings are highly sought after by consumers is fundamentally that customization starts from consumers' needs and preferences, and largely integrates consumers' thoughts, which is difficult for finished home furnishings to achieve.

Multiple brands increase layout customization

With the increasing popularity of customized home furnishings among consumers, many traditional home building materials companies have begun to transform into customized products, such as Qumei, Baiqiang, Qiangli, Dongfang Baisheng, etc. This includes not only wardrobe, cabinet, traditional panel furniture enterprises, but also wooden door enterprises.

Customized home options are reasonable

With the popularity of customized home furnishings in the past two years, many companies in the home furnishing industry have begun to transform and customize. In the mixed market, many drawbacks have begun to emerge, such as inappropriate design sizes, inconsistent selection of panels, and difficult after-sales service. The exposure of problems has led many consumers to have opinions on customization.

As one of the top 100 home furnishings that announced their joining of the full house customization team at the end of last year, He Hongyi, the general manager of its Beijing company, summarized that when consumers choose customized homes, they can avoid many unnecessary problems by mastering the following points: first, choosing well-known big brands: unlike finished homes, most customized homes are embedded and fixed in the wall, which cannot be removed or moved. Once there are quality problems and want to replace them, it is a big project; The second is to choose experienced designers; Whether a customized home can satisfy people depends 50% on the designer's ability. The third option is to choose environmentally friendly panels. Home, as a daily interaction at home, environmental standards and health indicators are crucial. So when choosing custom home furnishings, you can refer to the environmental standards of some well-known finished home furnishing companies.

3. Hot Discussion between Representatives of the Two Sessions: Key Words of "Green and Environmental Protection" in the Home Furnishing Industry

In Beijing, where new green is emerging, the two sessions always bring special expectations to enterprises. When the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China incorporated green development into the "Five Major Development Concepts", and the Two Sessions also established it as a navigation mark for the new journey of the "13th Five Year Plan"

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